Conversations Help With Language Development


CREATE INVITATIONS FOR CONVERSATION! Talking with your child is so important for language development. Here are some easy ways to build in conversation:

    • Place a really enticing game/object out of reach

    • Interrupt the routine/do something unexpected (Planned Accident)

    • Offer parts of a toy (e.g., puzzle) bit by bit

    • Offer choices between activities and items

    • Have your child create some artwork and ask them to tell you about their picture. Write below the picture what they said.

    • Play! Get on the floor and play with your child.


Talk about what you are reading and viewing:

Help your child remember…. Who? What? When? Where? Why and How?

Help your child understand:

  • Can you tell me in your own words?

  • What do you think will happen next?

Make connections:

  • What does this story remind you of?

  • What did you learn?

Tell Stories

Create a set of story stones to use for creating and telling stories and having conversations

Story sacks:

Gather or make props that can be used to retell your favourite stories. Google images story sack ideas. Talk about why you love the story.

Character profiles: Use a variety of materials (masks, hats, pictures, shoes) to invent or describe a character by including information such as where they live, their age, what sort of family they have, what they like to do in their spare time.


Language is not the same as speech. Language is about how we connect socially. Strong language helps us comprehend the meanings behind words, helps us put words together in a sentence in order to communicate and understand commands, directions and information given by others. Children must develop language skills to relate with their parents and peers, as well as grow into a person who can socially interact with others through life.