Get Up and Get Moving


Sing, dance, jump up and down, anything to get the wiggles out. Daily physical activity is an important in staying healthy and happy. This can be fun for the whole family!


Family Fun - fitness workout on YouTube! High energy to wear out those wiggles!

Cosmic Kids Yoga - Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation designed especially for kids aged 3+, used in schools and homes all over the world.

Build your best day is an online way to provide children and youth with choice of fun and creative physical activities. Everything from running from Zombies to sword fighting a pirate is included. There are even quiet activities that encourage connection with others. This handout helps children and youth plan their best day!


This can be either indoor or outdoor! Organize a hunt that spreads across a large area, or even just inside your house. Just place toys or treats hidden in different places and start your kid off with the first place. Each place should have a puzzle written for the next. If you make sure the places are far apart, your kids will get a good run out of it.


Daily physical activity is important for learning. Physical activities help in the development of better motor skills and in concentration and thinking skills.