More Fun With Literacy!


Say this, Not that! With your child, create a set of cards with a word at the top of the card and five related words below. Have one person give clues that do not use the five words below. Have the other players guess the word at the top.

Chain Game: Take turns saying words that go together. See how long you can go without breaking the chain! For example, start by saying, “sun”. Your child then adds a word that goes with “sun”, like “summer”. You will need to come up with a word that goes with “summer”. You may end up with a very long chain of words like, “sun”-“summer”-“hot”- “beach”-“sand”-“sandcastle”-“shovel”-“pail”. Keep going until you can’t think of any more

Throw One Back: Name 2 or 3 things that belong to the same group or category, and 1 thing that doesn’t belong to that group. Have your child tell you, or throw back the object that doesn’t fit. For example, if you say, “broccoli, celery, hotdog, lettuce”, your child would say, “Hotdog does not belong, because it’s not a vegetable.”

Play a game of Junior Scrabble! Play Boggle online.


Learning through games is a fun way to increase vocabulary.