Express Yourself


You can make something from anything! You don’t need fancy materials or expensive kits. Dig through the recycling bin, button jars, old toys, fabric scraps or old clothes, kitchen items, glue, string, elastics.... anything! Let your imagination take hold. Try things out, make mistakes and try again.

Make your own instruments

Daily Doodles with author Mo Willems

Things to Do - Loads of art ideas for kids

Live Puppet Shows – Watch a live puppet performance and then make your own puppets. Puppets can be made from anything – paper tubes, cardboard, plastic containers, paper, fabric, yarn, buttons, or socks. Use your puppet to tell a story or retell a story that you have heard. Share your puppet with a friend through Snapchat, Instagram or any other way that you are connected.

Stems is a short but inspiring video where the artist shows how he makes puppets from all kinds of objects.

Family Art Adventures with Lance Cardinal (a series):

Creative Campfire, video series for families, inspiration for all ages:

Celeste Tootoosis, teaches about medicines, smudging and plant names in Cree.


We all have the urge to create and play, to make something from nothing. It’s satisfying and builds confidence in learners. This is especially true when we have open ended problems to solve, without a finished product in mind to copy.